If you are a woman (young or worldly), have a love of singing (that shows), and can hold your own part - Hobart Harmony is for you!
It is a big help if you can read music, but it is not essential.  We provide you with learning media and help from your section leader to learn the songs to reach the required standard.
No, however previous singing experience and training is an added benefit. Vocal tuition forms part of each chorus rehearsal, and there are opportunities for individual assistance if needed.

Two things however are required:

  • You do need to be able to sing in tune
  • You need to be able to "hold your part" while others around you are singing something different
Yes!  As a prospective member, you need to pass an audition to demonstrate your ability to sing in tune and to hold your own part.  The audition can occur on or after the fifth week of attendance and must be attempted within two months of commencement.  The audition process involves you recording yourself while singing with the rest of the chorus. Don’t be put off by this - we are a very encouraging group and everyone in the chorus has been through this process herself and knows what it is like!
Similar to joining a sporting team, it is expected that attendance becomes part of your weekly schedule.  Weekly rehearsals are Monday nights 7:00pm until 9:30pm.  There are also approximately 3 weekend rehearsals a year depending on the availability of expert visiting vocal or showmanship coaches.
Membership provides lots of opportunities and experiences. Here are just a few:
  • Superb, unmatched vocal education and training, including visiting national and international coaches
  • Exciting opportunities to entertain within your community and compete with other talented barbershop singers
  • Fun social activities and performance opportunities
  • Programs designed to inspire you to reach new levels of success in a supportive community of friends
  • A free subscription to the The Pitch Pipe, the official magazine of Sweet Adelines International, plus other various newsletters and publications.
Many studies done over a number of years have focused on the health benefits of singing and the evidence is overwhelming – singing is good for you. It releases endorphins into your system and makes you feel energized and uplifted. Singing gives your lungs a good workout and tones abdominal, intercostal muscles and the diaphragm while stimulating circulation. Body movement also promotes flexibility.
Sweet Adelines is an independent, non-profit music education association, founded in Tulsa, Oklahoma in 1945 and is one of the world's largest singing organisations for women, boasting 23000 members, in 500 choruses and 1200 quartets over 24 Regions, across five continents.  The Sweet Adelines mission is to advance the musical art form of barbershop a cappella harmony through education, competition and performance."
A Cappella means singing without instruments (so no piano accompaniment). We sing four part, unaccompanied, close harmony mostly in the barbershop style, ranging from barbershop classics and popular show tunes, to current ballads and other mainstream music.  Barbershoppers do more than just sing…we entertain!  With colourful costumes and expressive showmanship, we like nothing more than strutting our stuff for a wide range of audiences.
Barbershop has a very distinctive sound, which can be produced when applying very specific vocal techniques. We work as a "unit" to make our voices match one another. So no stand out solo voices!  Sweet Adelines has a strong emphasis on education, which helps us all to learn correct posture, the proper way to breathe and to sing words and notes the same way. Because the sound is based on 4-part harmony, the chorus is divided into 4 sections:
  • Leads - mostly sing the melody, but occasionally sing harmony. If you have sung Soprano or Alto in other choirs, your voice may fall into the lead range.
  • Tenors - sing a harmony part that is above the lead part, similar to a descant part. This part has great high notes that adds a special ping to the chord.
  • Basses - sing a harmony part that is the lowest part in the chord. Often this part drives the rhythm of the song, and may get to sing passages of melody when it falls into the lower range.
  • Baritones - sing a harmony part in a similar range to the leads. We often find baritone singers have sung Alto in other choirs. This part adds character to the chord and has fun swipes.
Members are entitled to participate in competitions at regional and international levels. International judges give detailed feedback on performances, which can be used as a learning tool to improve performance of the individual as well as the group. Competitions represent exciting opportunities to travel, perform and learn.
Singing and friendships are the main reasons why our members join and stay. Our singing hobby allows you to get involved with performing and competitions and it excites and challenges your musical experience. Many members find their own personal development a thrill and their self-confidence grows as they learn singing skills they may have never known before.
There are weekly fees for visitors / prospective members - the first 2 weeks are free, then after that we ask you to pay $5 per week until you pass an audition to become a member.

Once you are a member, you will be required to join Sweet Adelines, which is fee based. The costs of joining Sweet Adelines International are favorable in comparison with other hobbies, such as sporting activities. 

There is a one off joining fee of $280.  This amount pays your Regional and International Sweet Adelines annual memberships, which your monthly dues will then cover in escrow on your behalf for the following year.  The dues for chorus membership are $55 per month, which covers:

  • Costume and makeup
  • Music - copyright, learning tracks and charts, copying fees
  • Administration - Kitchen supplies, website hosting, domain name renewal, Groupanizer renewal, stationary, gifts, audit costs
  • Capital purchases - risers, microphone, speakers
  • Director’s expenses - SAI and SAA membership, convention expenses, education expenses
  • Convention - SAI registration to compete, room hire, rehearsal space, riser hire
  • Marketing and Promotion - advertising, copying costs
  • Education and coaching - international and regional coaches (including accommodation, flights, coaching fees)
  • Licences and Memberships - ANCA, APRA, Incorporation renewal, Public Liability Insurance, SAI chapter renewal
  • SAI and SAA membership

You may choose to purchase your own make-up, or use the Chorus kit.  Other costs that may be incurred include travel and competition registration fees when we compete, which is no more than once a year and a small coaching fee per coach visit.

Yes!  The one off joining fee is $180, and monthly dues are $41.
Yes - when we perform!  This all goes towards ensuring the Chorus has a unified look.  Showmanship is an integral aspect of performing as a Sweet Adeline and the Chorus overall look forms part of the “Showmanship” judging category.
All sheet music, learning media and costumes (including scarf and jewellery) remain the property of the Chorus.  Music will be provided to you as a prospective member, however if you decide not to become a member of Hobart Harmony, all music will need to be returned.  This is due to the copyright license permissions on our music and the number of legal copies that the Chorus can use.
Yes.  Our rehearsals are open to visitors and a great way to see what we do. Give us a call or email to let us know you are coming.
[email protected] or our Membership Manager, Kate - 0488 507 681

At your first rehearsal, you will be voice tested.  This is a quick check done by our Musical Director, so we understand your vocal qualities and can give you a temporary placement on the risers next to a member that sings your voice part.

After your second rehearsal, our Management Team will arrange the printed music and learning tracks for the audition song/s.  We have useful tips and information that will assist you to learn the songs most efficiently.  Depending on what the Chorus is working on, we may or may not sing these songs during our regular rehearsals so practicing them in your own time is essential.

During the next few weeks, you will be given opportunities to practice in a small group before, during and/or after general rehearsal time. Your section leader and Director will guide you as to when you are ready to audition, but typically, it is within two months of commencement. 

Daunting? Yes, it can be, but every member on our risers has gone through this process and survived.

It is a challenge well worth taking.

We look forward to you joining us on the risers.