A bit behind the times with this blog... three more beautiful members added to our number a couple of weeks ago! So exciting to welcome two new tenors and a new baritone! Congratulations Monica, Lisa and Tash :-)
A bit behind the times with this blog... three more beautiful members added to our number a couple of weeks ago! So exciting to welcome two new tenors and a new baritone! Congratulations Monica, Lisa and Tash :-)
Wow - has it really been over a year since we set these up?? Took a bit of "remembering" on how to do it, but how WONDERFUL to be able to sing on them again!
A big welcome to two new members! Olivia and Kate (pictured centre) took part in our "Don't Stop Me Now" come and try series, and have gone on to successfully audition and join our membership. So fabulous to have you with us :-)
Yesterday a number of our chorus members were at the Mount Stuart Hall to get some movement and choreography practice in. With our chorus rehearsal venue currently dominated by chairs, why not move to a dance hall and enjoy having the room to move? And, while you're at it, why not learn some...
moreWelcome to our first "official" new member for 2021! Gill travels down from the North West of the state every Monday to join us in rehearsals - talk about keen!
We have a number of other prospective members at the moment, following on from our membership drive over February... so...
moreThe first night of our "Don't Stop Me Now" come and sing with us series went off with a bang! With some 15 guests attending, we absolutely rose the ceiling of our rehearsal venue!
If you didn't make it along, it's not too late: there are still two more Monday nights to go! Why not come...
moreHobart Harmony has a big year in 2021: we celebrate 25 years since the chorus first formed, and an official 20 years of chartering (becoming fully-fledged members) with Sweet Adelines International. To kick start our celebrations we had a chorus dinner at our retreat, with cocktails, food and of...
moreWe are so looking forward to opening our doors for new people to come and join us and have a go at singing a cappella! We're going to be working on a couple of really fun songs, including "Don't Stop Me Now" and "These Boots Were Made for Walking"! Check out the flyer and come along from Monday...
moreWhat a year - and what a celebration! Thank you to the members of the music and management teams who stepped up to the plate and helped keep everyone enthused and engaged during this challenging time. And now, focusing on 2021 - our chorus's 25th anniversary of forming and 20th anniversary of...
moreMembers of the management and music teams spent the afternoon making plans for the year to come. Hobart Harmony is celebrating its 20th anniversary of chartering with Sweet Adelines International, and 25 years since it first formed! Lots of exciting things ahead :-)
With extra precautions in place, last month the amazing members of Hobart Harmony got back to sizzling sausages to raise funds for the chorus! Slowly and surely finding some normality back in our chorus life :-)
After 4 months without face-to-face rehearsals, we've had two this week! The first was all about movement, with great activities from our visual leaders, a special guest dance teacher, and then social drinks! Two days later... our first singing rehearsal since March. So wonderful to see everyone...