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Cocktail Hour was established in July 2020 and has gone on to become a Registered Quartet with both Sweet Adelines International (SAI) and Barbershop Harmony Australia (BHA). Our members are Bianca (tenor), Ainslie (lead), Zana (bass) and Jenni (baritone).  The quartet has competed at a national level with both organisations. In the 2021 BHA National Video Contest, Cocktail Hour placed second in the Invitational Quartet division, scoring Tasmania's highest ever score in a BHA competition. In May 2022 they were the third placed quartet in the SAI Region 34 (Australia) video competition, and then went on to win the first place women's quartet award in BHA's national contest in Hobart. They have performed numerous times at local events here in Hobart, including at the Festival of Voices in 2021 and 2022, as guest artists in Hobart Harmony's show "Back in Business" in 2021, for the Hobart Jazz Club as part of the Hot August Jazz Festival in 2021, and as guest artists at the Tasmanian Nursing Awards.

We sing a mix of classic barbershop and contemporary a cappella, with a real passion for jazz! 

Please contact us if you are interested in having us sing at your event!