11 December 2023 - 8:13am

Back tracking a few months here!! Where has the time gone?? Our wonderful bari Jen G :-)

4 July 2023 - 12:50pm

There must be something in the air! Welcome to our two newest members: Jen (lead) and Maddie (bass). Can't wait to perform with you this week :-)

28 June 2023 - 9:19am

Welcome to our newest baritone Jane! So excited to have you with us :-)

7 June 2023 - 12:16pm

The first weekend in May was convention time in Sweet Adelines Australia, and Hobart Harmony took to the stage in Brisbane with 49 competitors! It was such a fun experience, and the education opportunities were fabulous, with open coaching for us with two international judges. Now we're looking...

28 March 2023 - 8:59am

Congratulations Ainslie, our 2023 SAOTY! Ainslie has contributed SO much over the last year, as part of the visual team, music leader for the leads, and part of the warm up team. She has recently stepped up as our second Assistant Director, and is about to start as a member of our National...

23 March 2023 - 7:06am

Welcome to our newest member, Gemma! So nice to have another fabulous Lead join the chorus - and heading to competition with us!!

2 March 2023 - 2:29pm

How wonderful to have the amazing Kim Vaughn working with our chorus and two of our quartets last weekend! We learned so much from this fabulous woman, and can't wait to put it onto the contest stage. Thank you Kim for sharing your incredible talent and knowledge.

2 March 2023 - 2:27pm

A big welcome to Jan joining our ever-growing fabulous bass section!

2 March 2023 - 2:25pm

Welcome to Lynn, one of our fabulous new basses!

2 March 2023 - 2:21pm

We've had some fabulous prospective members through our doors so far this year! Welcome to Karen, our first new lead for 2023!

30 December 2022 - 1:52pm

Such a beautiful place to sing! St David's Cathedral was the venue for our end of year Christmas concert, and it was an amazing event. 

28 September 2022 - 10:42am

So wonderful to have the amazing Jo Oosterhoff coaching us again! She certainly packed heaps of work into her weekend with us - what a way for her to spend her birthday. How lucky are we to have access to such fabulous educators in our own country?  So much knowledge, and so much to learn!...

