7 August 2021 - 11:35am

So exciting to have two new members officially join us! Welcome to the clan Ang and Deanna!

18 July 2021 - 8:32pm

What an amazing time the chorus had sharing our love of barbershop with Festival of Voices participants in July! Aside from our performance opportunities, Jenni ran two workshops: one, called "Barbershop Basics", which broke down what makes our style of singing so unique, and one simply entitled...

17 June 2021 - 9:43am

A night with a difference! On 29th May, a number of the chorus's small ensembles braved the stage and the lights to perform for family, friends and fellow chorus members! We had nine of our approximately 13 ensembles perform... such a fun evening! Hoping to do some more of these in the near...

2 June 2021 - 3:32pm

What a wonderful night of celebration we had, 1920s style, at Wrest Point on the 15th May! This would normally have been our national convention weekend, and what better way to mark this than to make it our official "birthday" party in full glitter and glam! We had performances, dancing, fashion...

10 May 2021 - 2:28pm

So exciting to have a real-live coach back working with us after more than a year! And how lucky are we? The amazing Glenda Lloyd spent the whole weekend with us, working on so many amazing things. Thanks Glenda - can't wait to see you again soon!

27 April 2021 - 1:50pm

Last night we added two new baritones to Hobart Harmony! Congratulations Ange and Sally. My, how our numbers are growing! And just in time for some coaching coming up this weekend. It's been a long time, and we are READY for it!

27 April 2021 - 1:46pm

A bit behind the times with this blog... three more beautiful members added to our number a couple of weeks ago! So exciting to welcome two new tenors and a new baritone! Congratulations Monica, Lisa and Tash :-)

13 April 2021 - 10:12am

Wow - has it really been over a year since we set these up?? Took a bit of "remembering" on how to do it, but how WONDERFUL to be able to sing on them again!

30 March 2021 - 10:01am

A big welcome to two new members! Olivia and Kate (pictured centre)  took part in our "Don't Stop Me Now" come and try series, and have gone on to successfully audition and join our membership. So fabulous to have you with us :-)

28 March 2021 - 2:55pm

Yesterday a number of our chorus members were at the Mount Stuart Hall to get some movement and choreography practice in. With our chorus rehearsal venue currently dominated by chairs, why not move to a dance hall and enjoy having the room to move? And, while you're at it, why not learn some...

9 March 2021 - 12:46pm

Welcome to our first "official" new member for 2021! Gill travels down from the North West of the state every Monday to join us in rehearsals - talk about keen! 

We have a number of other prospective members at the moment, following on from our membership drive over February... so...

17 February 2021 - 8:50am

The first night of our "Don't Stop Me Now" come and sing with us series went off with a bang! With some 15 guests attending, we absolutely rose the ceiling of our rehearsal venue!

If you didn't make it along, it's not too late: there are still two more Monday nights to go! Why not come...

