A major milestone for our chorus tonight as we officially welcomed our newest members, Ainslie and Sara. That takes us to 50 members. How exciting!
Another fun chorus retreat is over for another year. What a fantastic two days of singing, learning and laughing we had, led by the amazing Lindsey Dyer and our own fabulous Jenni Pyefinch. Thanks ladies.
Well that's a wrap on another exciting year of chorus activities. A wonderful celebration for a great year of music, sisterhood and amazing growth. Bring on 2018 - we are ready for you!
What a fabulous night at our Christmas Capers concert! Fun, food, frivolity and some hearty Christmas singing. Thanks to all performers, guests and the hard working helpers who made it all happen.
A huge thank you to the Tasmanian Community Fund for the grant to help us buy fabulous new risers to fit all the new members and all the fabulous existing members. A dream come true!!
Tired but inspired! At the end of two amazing days of coaching with the fabulous Nikki Blackmer. We love you dear Diva. Come back soon.
What a great night. Twenty-five enthusiastic newbies turned up for the first week of A Cappella August. Their exciting journey into the wonderful world of barbershop has begun.